These Chicks Don’t Know How Good They’ve Got It

Josh Tenes
2 min readFeb 24, 2020


In 1978, Mormon women were allowed to say a prayer in a weekly Sunday meeting.

And as early as 2013, we let them say prayers in General Conference.

And for decades they’ve been given real, meaningful responsibility within God’s kingdom on earth. Do you think these cultural halls decorate themselves? Do these pot luck suppers & ward party flyers materialise out of thin air?


And who’s to say that in 10, 20 or 1000 years they won’t be able to pass the sacrament with the 12yr old boys, baptise people along with the acne-ridden 16yr old lads, be in missionary leadership roles (as opposed to reporting to three layers of 18–19yr old male leaders)? Hell, they might even get the same priesthood authority all the boys and men get… one day.

And maybe they’ll even get to go out to work without being guilt shamed or feeling like complete and utter failures?

And I’ll bet it won’t be long before these women can wear a totally normal summer dress without being slut shamed by middle aged white men. And surely it’ll be only a few years until they stop being accused of leading men into temptation by getting their shoulders out.

That pesky Ordain Women movement.

They don’t realise how lucky they are.

Oh and I’ve not even mentioned polygamy. Two wives… half the eternal cleaning. Four wives… a quarter of the cooking. You do the maths.



Josh Tenes
Josh Tenes

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