Mum’s The Word

Josh Tenes
2 min readFeb 24, 2020


There’s a group of women giving the church aggro about the complete lack of knowledge or information regarding our Heavenly Mother.

And I think it’s about time they all got over it.

Why is it so important to know about the co-creator of all of human existence now and forever?

Why do these women need another role model? They’ve got loads of men to look up to. Jesus, The Father, every single Biblical and Mormon Prophet. They’re all great guyz.

And what makes them think that Joseph Smith, God’s one true Prophet on earth or any of the 16 divinely inspired Prophet’s that followed would have any knowledge of a Heavenly Mother, who is essentially… also.. God? I mean why would that be important information?

We’ve only had an unbroken direct line to God the Father for 200 years. So I’m really not sure why so many expect us to know a little more about the nature of our divine godly Mother.

Is it not enough that she is mentioned (once) in one of the 341 songs in the official hymn books. What more do these woman want!?

As the song goes, “Truth is reason, truth eternal tells me I’ve *a mother there.”

To all of these women, I say, with the deepest respect and love…

Shut up and sew.

*And multiple step mothers.



Josh Tenes
Josh Tenes

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